الصف الثالث الثانوي

مراجعة أهم اسئلة قصة سجين زندا الحلقة 4 ثانوية عامة

مراجعة أهم اسئلة قصة سجين زندا الحلقة 4 ثانوية عامة
مراجعة أهم اسئلة قصة سجين زندا الحلقة 4 ثانوية عامة

مراجعة أهم اسئلة قصة سجين زندا الحلقة 4 ثانوية عامة

السلام عليكم :

اعزائي طلبة وطالبات الثانوية العامة 

حرصا منا علي تيسير المناهج الدراسية ومساعدتكم علي فهمها ومذاكرتها, نبدأ في تقديم سلسلة حلقات مراجعة قصة سجين زندا الحلقة الثالثة ثانوية عامة .

The Prisoner of Zenda

مشاهدة الحلقة الرابعة

لمشاهدة جميع الحلقات اضغط الرابط التالي هنا

لمشاهدة حلقات حل اضغط هنا

لمشاهدة حلقات البوكليت اضغط هنا

لمعرفة كيفية التعامل مع كتابة موضوع باللغة الانجليزية (البراجراف) اضغط هنا

للاطلاع علي جديد القناة علي اليوتيوب اضغط هنا

51) What would Rassendyll have done if he had been greedy for power? يطمع في السلطة

♥ He would have killed both the King and Michael and he would have stayed as King.


52) What would have happened if Rassendyll had been killed at the summer house?

♥ If Rassendyll had been killed at the summer house, Michael would have killed the real King and become King.


53) What did Sapt do to protect Rassendyll from Michael’s men?

♥ He ordered six men to follow Rassendyll wherever he went in the capital.


مراجعة أهم اسئلة قصة سجين زندا الحلقة 4 ثانوية عامة

54) Rassendyll’s ability to think well and act quickly was evident واضحة at the summer house. Explain?

♥ Rassendyll was almost trapped at the summer house. He used an iron chair to defend himself against Michael’s men. The table top hit them and they all fell down the steps. Rassendyll fell down too, but he managed to get up fastest and run away. If he hadn’t thought well and acted quickly, he would have died.


55) Although Johann and Max Holf were brothers, they were completely different. Discuss.

Johann was a good man. He worked for Duke Michael only because he was afraid of him and not because he liked him. He believed that everyone in the castle was a criminal except the King. He agreed to work as a spy for Rassendyll because he wanted to save the King.

Max was an evil man. He helped Michael to carry out his evil plans. He helped to put up the pipe to the prison window which would be used to get rid of the King’s body after killing him.


56) Rudolf Rassendyll was just the right person to replace the King of Ruritania, but he was not good at remembering all the rules or the people he had met. How did he manage to solve this problem?

♥ He was just the right person because he looked exactly like the King. As he couldn’t remember all the rules or the people he had met, he became very good at pretending that he had forgotten them so that people wouldn’t notice that he was not the real King.

Galal Hasanin

Galal Hasanin مؤسس موقع 56 نيوز - أعمل في مجال التربية والتعليم لغة انجليزية - مترجم - اهوي الشعر والانترنت

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