Paragraph about pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence براجراف عن الذكاء الصناعى
Galal HasaninPros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence refers to the intelligence of machines. In other words, it is a computer system which learns from the experiences it encounters. It can adjust on its own to new inputs, allowing it to perform tasks in a way that is similar to what a human would do.
In the following sentences, I'll shed light on some of the pros and cons of Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence completes routine tasks with ease. That allows human workers to focus on the more creative elements of their job responsibilities. Artificial intelligence machines don't get tired, so they can continue operating for an indefinite time period. Artificial intelligence makes fewer errors compared to human workers. With the help of AI, we can explore many places which were impossible for humans to visit in the past. Artificial intelligence machines help humans to save time and effort. We can use AI to establish healthier eating habits or to get more exercise.
On the other hand, AI has some disadvantages. It is costly to take advantage of the benefits which artificial intelligence can ring. It will reduce employment opportunities for humans. Translation machines translate words, not the intents of words, so translation may be inaccurate without a review by a trained human translator.
To sum it up, experts must focus of the advantages of AI and evade its disadvantages.
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