Simple Present
يتكون زمن المضارع البسيط من الفعل في المصدر مع اضافه s للفعل عندما يكون الفاعل مفرد غائب ( he , she ,it)
FORM Simple Present
EXAMPLE: to run
I run
you run
he runs
she runs
it runs
we run
they run
استخداماته USE 1 Repeated Actions
الافعال المتكرره
يسنخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن فعل يتكررعاده. الفعل ممكن ان يكون عاده او هوايه او فعل يتكرر كل يوم او فعل مؤكد حدوثه او شىء غالبا ما يحدث .
ممكن ان يعبر ايضا عن شىء غالبا ما ينساه الفرد او لا يفعله
Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does
.not do
:EXAMPLESلاحظ اضافه s عندما يكون الفاعل مفرد غائب
.I play tennis
.She does not play tennis
.The train leaves every morning at 8 am
.The train does not leave at 9am
.She always forgets her purse
.He never forgets his wallet
.Every twelve months, the Earth circles the sun
.The sun does not circle the Earth
USE 2 Facts or Generalizations
حقائق او التعميمات
يستخدم المضارع البسيط اذا كان المتحدث يعتقد الامر صحيح من قبل و صحيح الان و سوف يكون صحيح في المستقبل. ولا يهم اذا كان كلام المتحدث سليما ام لا .
يستخدم ايضالاصدار التعميمات عن الناس أوالأشياء .
The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people
.or things
.Cats like milk
.Birds do not like milk
.The sun rises from the east
.California is in America
.California isnot in the United Kingdom
.Windows are made of glass
.Windows are not made of wood
.New York is a small city
(.It is not important that this fact is untrue)
(USE 3 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs
قد يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن حدث ممكن ان يحدث او لا يحدث الان.
وهذه الحاله تكون مصحوبه ب Non-continuous ,Mixed Verbs
Sometimes speakers use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is happening or is not happening now. This can only be done with Non-continuous Verbs and certain Mixed Verbs.
.I am here now
.She is not here now
.He needs help right now
.He does not need help now
.He has a car
ACTIVE / PASSIVE Simple Present
Once a week, Tom cleans the car. ACTIVE
Once a week, the car is cleaned by Tom. PASSIVE
منقول للافادة
توقيع :rose
Living in the past causes you to miss out on the present. Life is too short to let it pass you by.