خسوف القمر وكسوف الشمس
هما ظاهرتان طبيعيتان بمعني حجب القمر أو الشمس
In astronomy, the blocking out of light from one object by the intervention of another object. The most dramatic eclipses visible from the Earth are eclipses of the sun (when sunlight is blocked by the moon) and eclipses of the moon (when sunlight on its way to the moon is blocked by the Earth).
Lunar Eclipse & Solar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse: occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon and Earth’s shadow is cast upon part or all of the Moon
خسوف القمر يحدث عندما تمر الأرض بين الشمس والقمر
Solar eclipse: occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth and the moon’s shadow is cast upon the earth
كسوف الشمس يحدث عندما يمر القمر بين الشمس والارض
- Solar eclipse: كسوف الشمس
- Lunar eclipse : خسوف القمر
- Astronomy: علم الفلك
- Blocking out: حجب