أسماء تعد وأسماء لا تعد
- Countable nouns are for things we can count
dog, horse, man, shop, idea.
They usually have a singular and plural form.
الاسماء التي تعد لها مفرد وجمع
two dogs, ten horses, a man, six men, the shops, a few ideas.
- Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count
tea, sugar, water, air, rice.
They are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.
اسماء معنوية مجردة مثل المعرفة والحب والخير والشر
knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.
They are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form. We cannot say sugars, angers, knowledges.
اسماء مفرد وليس لها جمع
Examples of common uncountable nouns:
- money, furniture, happiness, sadness, research, evidence, safety, beauty, knowledge.
We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of one of these nouns, use a word or expression like:
some, a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, a great deal of...
لا تستخدم معه ادوات النكرة
ولكن ولكن اذا تحدثنا عن اجزاء منها نستخدم
some, a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, a great deal of...</b>
- There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease.
- He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview.
- They've got a lot of furniture.
- Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?
- Some nouns are countable in other languages but uncountable in English. Some of the most common of these are:
كلمات لا تعد في اللغة الانجليزية
accommodation سكن
advice نصح
baggage اشياء المسافر
behaviour سلوك
bread خبز
furniture أثاث
information معلومات
luggage أشياء المسافر
news أخبار
progress تقدم
traffic المرور
travel السفر
trouble متاعب
weather الطقس
work عمل
BE CAREFUL with the noun 'hair' which is normally uncountable in English:
كلمة "شعر" لا تعد عموما
It can also be countable when referring to individual hairs:
ولكن لو قصدنا شعرات منفصلة فهنا تعد
- My father's getting a few grey hairs now.